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Hazaar MVC

A lightweight, high performance MVC framework for PHP

It works just like magic!

High Performance

Hazaar MVC is designed to be fast and efficient by using streamlined code.

Database ORM

Hazaar MVC provides a simple and easy to use database ORM that supports multiple database types.


Hazaar MVC provides a realtime WebSockets server that allows you to push data to the browser in realtime.

Build fast, scalable real-time applications with Hazaar MVC

A modern framework designed to transform web development.
Efficient Code OrganizationHazaar MVC provides a structured and efficient way to organize your code allowing you to achieve clean, modular code that is easier to maintain and collaborate on.
Seamless Database IntegrationTake the hassle out of working with databases by using the integrated Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) which allows effortless database interaction by abstracting away the complexities of SQL queries.
Real-Time CommunicationBuild highly interactive applications that deliver real-time updates to users using the built-in WebSocket server that enables seamless, bidirectional communication between the client and the server.
Get started with Hazaar MVC →

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.