OAuth short summary.
OAuth description.
- Full name:
- Parent class:
Construct the adapter.
public __construct(string $clientID, string $clientSecret, string $grantType = 'code', ?\Hazaar\Map $config = null): mixed
Parameter | Type | Description |
$clientID | string | |
$clientSecret | string | |
$grantType | string | |
$config | ?\Hazaar\Map | The configuration options |
Sets the URI for the logout endpoint.
public setLogoutURI(string $uri): void
This method updates the metadata to include the specified URI as the endpoint for ending a session.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI to be set as the logout endpoint |
Retrieves the user profile from the OAuth2 data stored in the session.
public getProfile(): null|\stdClass
This method checks if the 'oauth2_data' is present in the storage and if it is an instance of \stdClass with a property 'id_token'. If these conditions are met, it decodes the 'id_token' and returns the decoded JSON object representing the user profile.
Return Value:
the user profile as a \stdClass object, or null if the profile cannot be retrieved
Logs out the user by clearing the session and redirecting to the OpenID end session endpoint.
public logout(null|string $redirect_url = null): bool|\Hazaar\HTTP\URL
Parameter | Type | Description |
$redirect_url | null|string | optional URL to redirect to after logout |
Return Value:
returns the URL object for the end session endpoint if successful, or false on failure
Inherited methods
Construct the adapter.
public __construct(string $clientID, string $clientSecret, string $grantType = 'code', array|\Hazaar\Map $config = []): mixed
Parameter | Type | Description |
$clientID | string | |
$clientSecret | string | |
$grantType | string | |
$config | array|\Hazaar\Map | The configuration options |
Sets the identity for the authentication adapter.
public setIdentity(string $identity): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | the identity to be set |
Sets the credential for authentication.
public setCredential(string $credential): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$credential | string | the credential to be set |
Retrieves the identity of the current user.
public getIdentity(): null|string
Return Value:
the identity of the user, or null if not set
Get the encrypted hash of a credential/password.
public getCredentialHash(?string $credential = null): ?string
This method uses the "encryption" options from the application configuration to generate a password hash based on the supplied password. If no password is supplied then the currently set credential is used.
NOTE: Keep in mind that if no credential is set, or it's null, or an empty string, this will still return a valid hash of that empty value using the defined encryption hash chain.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$credential | ?string |
Authenticate the user credentials using the OAuth2 "password" grant type.
public authenticate(string $identity = null, string $credential = null, bool $autologin = false, bool $skip_auth_check = false): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | the user identity (username) |
$credential | string | the user credential (password) |
$autologin | bool | The autologin flag. If checked the session will be remembered and the refresh token used to obtain a new access token when it expires. |
$skip_auth_check | bool |
Return Value:
True if the authentication was successful. False otherwise.
Authenticates an HTTP request using Basic Authentication.
public authenticateRequest(\Hazaar\Application\Request $request): bool
This method checks if the request contains a valid 'Authorization' header with Basic Authentication credentials. It decodes the credentials and verifies them using the authenticate
Parameter | Type | Description |
$request | \Hazaar\Application\Request | the HTTP request to authenticate |
Return Value:
returns true if the request is authenticated successfully, false otherwise
if the authentication fails
Check if there is a current user authentication in the session namespace.
public authenticated(): bool
Returns true if we have an access token. False otherwise.
Return Value:
true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise
Check that the supplied password is correct for the current identity.
public check(string $credential): bool
This is useful for checking an account password before allowing something important to be updated. This does the same steps as authenticate() but doesn't actually do the authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$credential | string |
Clears the authentication storage.
public clear(): bool
This method checks if the storage is empty. If it is not empty, it clears the storage and returns true. If the storage is already empty, it returns false.
Return Value:
returns true if the storage was cleared, false if the storage was already empty
Helper method that sets the basic auth header and throws an unauthorised exception.
public unauthorised(): void
Toggles on/off the internal credential hashing algorithm.
public disableCredentialHashing(bool $value = true): void
This is useful is you want to authenticate with an already hashed credential.
WARNING: This should NOT normally be used. And if it IS used, it should only be used to authenticate credentials supplied internally by the application itself, and not provided by a user/client/etc. Disabling password hash essentially turns this all into clear text credentials.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$value | bool |
Retrieves a value from the storage based on the provided key.
public get(string $key): mixed
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key used to retrieve the value from the storage |
Return Value:
the value associated with the provided key
Sets a value in the storage with the specified key.
public set(string $key, mixed $value): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key under which the value will be stored |
$value | mixed | the value to be stored |
Checks if a given key exists in the storage.
public has(string $key): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key to check for existence in the storage |
Return Value:
returns true if the key exists, false otherwise
public unset(string $key): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string |
public offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$offset | mixed |
public offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed
Parameter | Type | Description |
$offset | mixed |
public offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$offset | mixed | |
$value | mixed |
public offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$offset | mixed |
Retrieves authentication data from the storage.
public getAuthData(): array<string,mixed>
Return Value:
the authentication data
Retrieves the OAuth2 token from the storage.
public getToken(): null|array{token: string}
This method returns an associative array containing the 'access_token' from the 'oauth2_data' stored in the class. If the 'access_token' is not present, it returns null.
Return Value:
an associative array with the 'access_token' or null if not found
Sets the storage adapter for authentication.
public setStorageAdapter(string $storage, array<string,mixed>|\Hazaar\Map $options = []): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$storage | string | the name of the storage adapter to use |
$options | array<string,mixed>|\Hazaar\Map | optional configuration options for the storage adapter |
Return Value:
returns true if the storage adapter was successfully set
if the specified storage adapter class does not exist
Generates a hashed identifier for the given identity string.
protected getIdentifier(string $identity): null|string
This method takes an identity string and returns its SHA-1 hash. If the identity string is empty or null, the method returns null.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | the identity string to be hashed |
Return Value:
the SHA-1 hash of the identity string, or null if the identity is empty
Set the extra data fields.
protected setDataFields(string[] $fields): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$fields | string[] | The extra data fields |
Overload function called when a user is successfully authenticated.
protected authenticationSuccess(string $identity, array $data): void
This can occur when calling authenticate() or authenticated() where a session has been saved. This default method does nothing but can be overridden.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | The identity that was successfully authenticated |
$data | array | The data returned from the authentication query |
Overload function called when a user fails authentication.
protected authenticationFailure(string $identity, array $data): void
This can occur when calling authenticate() or authenticated() where a session has been saved. This default method does nothing but can be overridden.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | the identity that failed authentication |
$data | array | the data returned from the authentication query |
Sets the authorization endpoint URI for OAuth2 authentication.
public setAuthURI(string $uri): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI of the authorization endpoint |
Sets the URI for the token endpoint.
public setTokenURI(string $uri): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI to be set for the token endpoint |
Sets the registration URI for the OAuth2 metadata.
public setRegistrationURI(string $uri): void
This method updates the 'registration_endpoint' key in the metadata array with the provided URI.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the registration URI to be set |
Sets the URI for the introspection endpoint.
public setIntrospectURI(string $uri): void
This method updates the metadata to include the provided URI for the introspection endpoint, which is used to validate access tokens.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI of the introspection endpoint |
Sets the URI for the revocation endpoint.
public setRevokeURI(string $uri): void
This method allows you to specify the URI that will be used to revoke OAuth2 tokens.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI of the revocation endpoint |
Sets the URI for the user info endpoint in the OAuth2 metadata.
public setUserinfoURI(string $uri): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI of the user info endpoint |
Sets the callback function to be used for authentication.
public setAuthenticateCallback(\Closure $cb): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$cb | \Closure | the callback function to be used for authentication |
Discover OAuth2 metadata from a given URI.
public discover(string $uri): bool
This method attempts to retrieve and cache OAuth2 metadata from the specified URI. If the metadata is not already cached, it fetches the metadata from the URI and stores it. If the URI cannot be accessed, an exception is thrown.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$uri | string | the URI to discover OAuth2 metadata from |
Return Value:
returns true on successful discovery
if the authentication platform is offline or service discovery fails
Adds one or more scopes to the OAuth2 authorization.
public addScope(): void
This method accepts a variable number of arguments. Each argument can be a string representing a single scope or an array of scopes. If an array is provided, the method will recursively add each scope in the array.
Checks if the authenticated user has a specific scope.
public hasScope(string $key): bool
This method verifies if the user is authenticated and if the specified scope key exists within the user's scopes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the scope key to check |
Return Value:
returns true if the user is authenticated and has the specified scope, false otherwise
Get the current scopes for this OAuth2 adapter.
public scopes(): string[]
Refreshes the OAuth2 token.
public refresh(null|string $token = null, null|string $identity = null, null|string $credential = null): bool
This method attempts to refresh the OAuth2 token using the provided refresh token, identity, and credential. If no token is provided, it will attempt to retrieve a refresh token using the getRefreshToken
method. The method sends a POST request to the token endpoint with the necessary parameters to obtain a new access token.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$token | null|string | the refresh token to use for refreshing the access token |
$identity | null|string | the identity (username) to use for authentication |
$credential | null|string | the credential (password) to use for authentication |
Return Value:
returns true if the token was successfully refreshed and authorized, false otherwise
if there is no token endpoint set for this auth adapter
Retrieves the OAuth2 access token.
public getAccessToken(): bool|string
This method checks if the 'oauth2_data' key exists in the storage. If it exists, it returns the 'access_token' from the 'oauth2_data'. Otherwise, it returns false.
Return Value:
the access token if available, otherwise false
Retrieves the refresh token from the OAuth2 data storage.
public getRefreshToken(): bool|string
This method checks if the 'oauth2_data' key exists in the storage. If it does, it attempts to retrieve the 'refresh_token' from the 'oauth2_data' array. If the 'refresh_token' is not found, it returns false.
Return Value:
returns the refresh token if available, otherwise false
Query the authentication adapter.
public queryAuth(string $identity, array $extra = []): array|bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | The identity |
$extra | array |
Retrieves the token type from the OAuth2 data storage.
public getTokenType(): string
This method accesses the 'oauth2_data' array within the storage and returns the value associated with the 'token_type' key. If the 'token_type' key does not exist, it defaults to returning 'Bearer'.
Return Value:
the token type, defaulting to 'Bearer' if not specified
Introspects the given token using the OAuth2 introspection endpoint.
public introspect(null|string $token = null, string $token_type = 'access_token'): bool|string
Parameter | Type | Description |
$token | null|string | The token to introspect. If null, the access token from storage will be used. |
$token_type | string | the type of the token, default is 'access_token' |
Return Value:
the response body from the introspection endpoint, or false if the endpoint is not available
Revokes the OAuth2 access token.
public revoke(): bool|string
This method sends a revocation request to the OAuth2 server's revocation endpoint. It constructs a POST request with the client ID and access token, and sends it using the HTTP client. The response from the server is then checked for a result.
Return Value:
Returns false if the revocation endpoint is not found or if the revocation fails. Returns the result from the server's response body if the revocation is successful.
Retrieves user information from the OAuth2 user info endpoint.
public userinfo(): bool|string
This method sends a GET request to the user info endpoint specified in the metadata. If the endpoint is not available or the request fails, it returns false. Otherwise, it returns the response body containing the user information.
Return Value:
returns the user information as a string on success, or false on failure
Authorizes the OAuth2 data by validating the required properties and storing the data.
private authorize(\stdClass $data): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$data | \stdClass | the OAuth2 data object containing token information |
Return Value:
returns true if the data contains valid OAuth2 token information, otherwise false
Authenticates user credentials against an OAuth2 token endpoint.
private authenticateCredentials(string $identity, string $credential, string $grantType = 'password', null|string $scope = null): bool|\stdClass
Parameter | Type | Description |
$identity | string | The user's identity (e.g., username or email). |
$credential | string | The user's credential (e.g., password). |
$grantType | string | The type of grant being requested. Defaults to 'password'. |
$scope | null|string | optional scope of the access request |
Return Value:
returns a stdClass object containing the token information if authentication is successful, or false otherwise
Authenticates the user using the OAuth2 authorization code flow.
private authenticateCode(): bool|\stdClass
This method handles the OAuth2 authorization code flow by performing the following steps:
- Checks if an authorization code is present in the request.
- Validates the state parameter to prevent CSRF attacks.
- Sends a request to the token endpoint to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
- Handles the implicit grant type by converting the hash response to a query response.
- Redirects the user to the authorization endpoint if no authorization code or access token is present.
Return Value:
returns the response body as an object if the authentication is successful, or false if the authentication fails
if the state code is invalid or if there is no authorization endpoint set
Generates the redirect URI based on the current request URI.
private getRedirectUri(): string
Return Value:
the generated redirect URI
if the current APPLICATION_BASE does not match the REQUEST_URI
Automatically generated on 2024-11-14