Controller HTTP Request Class
The HTTP controller request class is a representational object for an HTTP request. The Application object will create a HTTP request object upon each execution. This object contains all details of the current request including request data, headers and any request body content.
If you want to generate your own HTTP request object to pass to another method or function that requires one, see [[Hazaar\Http\Request]].
public string $pathParam = 'hzpath'
public string $queryParam = 'hzqs'
public string $body
protected bool $dispatched
protected array $params
public $
Request method.
protected string $method = 'GET'
The requested path.
private string $path
Array of headers, one line per element.
private array $headers
public __construct(?array $server, ?array $request, bool $processRequestBody = false): void
The HTTP request object constructor.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$server | array | Optional reference to $_SERVER |
$request | array | Optional reference to $_REQUEST |
$processRequestBody | bool |
Magic method to get the value of a property.
public __get(string $key): mixed
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the name of the property to get |
Unsets a value from the request object.
public __unset(string $key): void
This method removes a value from the request object using the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key of the value to unset |
public init(?array $server, ?array $request, bool $processRequestBody = false): string
The HTTP init method takes only a single optional argument which is the request array provided by PHP ($_REQUEST).
The constructor will also get all the request headers and the request content and from there will use the [[Hazaar\Application\Request]] parent class to determine the name of the Controller and Action that is being requested via it's evaluate() method.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$server | array | Optional reference to $_SERVER |
$request | array | Optional reference to $_REQUEST |
$processRequestBody | bool |
public isGet(): bool
Test if the request method is GET. This is a convenience method for quickly determining the request method.
public isPut(): bool
Test if the request method is PUT. This is a convenience method for quickly determining the request method.
public isPost(): bool
Test if the request method is POST. This is a convenience method for quickly determining the request method.
public isDelete(): bool
Test if the request method is DELETE. This is a convenience method for quickly determining the request method.
public getHeaders(): void
Get all the HTTP request headers sent by the client browser.
public hasHeader(string $header): bool
Check if a header was sent in the HTTP request.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$header | string |
public getHeader(string $header): string
Get a single header value
Parameter | Type | Description |
$header | string |
Return the current request content type.
public getContentType(): string
This is a helpful method for doing a few things in one go as it will only return a content type if the request is a POST method. Otherwise it will safely return a FALSE value.
public isXmlHttpRequest(): bool
Test if the request originated from an XMLHttpRequest object. This object is used when sending an AJAX request from withing a JavaScript function. All of the major JavaScript libraries (jQuery, extJS, etc) will set the X-Requested-With header to indicate that the request is an AJAX request.
Using this in your application will allow you to determine how to respond to the request. For example, you might want to forgo rendering a view and instead return a JSON response.
public redirectURI(): ?string
Returns the URI of the page this request was redirected from.
public getRequestBody(): string
Returns the body of the request. This will normally be null unless the request is a POST or PUT.
public getJSONBody(?bool $assoc, int $depth = 512): mixed
Returns the JSON decoded body of the request. This will normally be null unless the request is a POST or PUT and content-type is application/json.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$assoc | bool | |
$depth | int |
public getRemoteAddr(): ?string
Detect if a request originated on a mobile device.
public isMobileDevice(): bool
This method will return true to indicate that the requesting device is a mobile browser. It uses the freely available script from
Get the referer URL from the HTTP request headers.
public referer(): ?string
Return the request path.
public getPath(bool $stripFilename = false): string
Parameter | Type | Description |
$stripFilename | bool | If true, this will cause the function to return anything before the last '/' |
(including the '/') which is the full directory path name. (Similar to dirname()). |
Sets the path of the request.
public setPath(string $path): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$path | string | the path of the request |
Retrieve a request value.
public get(string $key, mixed $default): mixed
These values can be sent in a number of ways.
- In a query string. eg:
- As form POST data.
- As JSON encoded request body.
Only JSON encoded request bodies support data typing. All other request values will be strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | The data key to retrieve |
$default | mixed | if the value is not set, use this default value |
Retrieve an integer value from the request.
public getInt(string $key, ?int $default): ?int
The most common requests will not provide data typing and data value will always be a string. This method will automatically return the requested value as an integer unless it is NULL or not set. In which case either NULL or the default value will be returned.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key of the request value to return |
$default | int | a default value to use if the value is NULL or not set |
Retrieve an float value from the request.
public getFloat(string $key, ?float $default): float
The most common requests will not provide data typing and data value will always be a string. This method will automatically return the requested value as an float unless it is NULL or not set. In which case either NULL or the default value will be returned.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key of the request value to return |
$default | float | a default value to use if the value is NULL or not set |
Retrieve an boolean value from the request.
public getBool(string $key, NULL $default): bool
The most common requests will not provide data typing and data value will always be a string. This method will automatically return the requested value as an boolean unless it is NULL or not set. In which case either NULL or the default value will be returned.
This internally uses the boolify() function so the usual bool strings are supported (t, f, true, false, 0, 1, on, off, etc).
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key of the request value to return |
$default | NULL | a default value to use if the value is NULL or not set |
Check to see if a request value has been set.
public has(string $keys, bool $check_any = false): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
$keys | string | the key of the request value to check for |
$check_any | bool | The check type when $key is an array. TRUE means that ANY key must exist. FALSE means ALL keys must exist. |
Set a request value.
public set(string $key, mixed $value): void
This would not normally be used and has no internal implications on how the application will function as this data is not processed in any way. However setting request data may be useful in your application when reusing/repurposing controller actions so that they may be called from somewhere else in your application.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key value to set |
$value | mixed | the new value |
Removes a parameter from the request.
public remove(string $key): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$key | string | the key of the parameter to remove |
Return an array of request parameters as key/value pairs.
public getParams(?array $filter_in, ?array $filter_out): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$filter_in | array | only include parameters with keys specified in this filter |
$filter_out | array | exclude parameters with keys specified in this filter |
Check if the request has any parameters.
public hasParams(): bool
Sets the parameters of the request.
public setParams(array $array): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$array | array | The array of parameters to set |
Returns the number of parameters in the request.
public count(): int
public getMethod(): string
Returns the method used to initiate this request on the server. .
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