The Class Extender Class
The Extender Class allows (or simulates) multiple class inheritance in PHP. It does this by loading instances of the extended class under the covers and transparently passing non-existent method calls on to 'child' classes (if the method exist). It will also work with member variables and honors the private, protected and public variable definitions.
private array $children
private array $methods
private array $properties
public __call(string $method, array $args = []): void
This method call router will route the method call to the first child class that was found to have the requested method. If the method does not exist an \Exception is thrown.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$method | string | Then name of the method being called |
$args | array | An array of arguments from the method call |
public __toString(): string
Pass through method for converting the element to a string. If one of the child classes had a __tostring() method then this method is called on the first child that has it.
public __get(string $property): mixed
Get a property from the instantiated class object for properties that do not exist. This will return the value of a property if it exists in a child class. This method honors the private, protected and public variable declarations.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$property | string | The property being requested |
public __set(string $property, mixed $value): void
Set a property on the instantiated class object for properties that do not exist. This will set the value of a property if it exists in a child class. This method honors the private, protected and public variable declarations. If the child class variable is not meant to be accessible, either by not existing, or being set public, or being protected and the call originated outside the object, then the variable is created on the fly in the main object. This is the same as a normal object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$property | string | The property being set |
$value | mixed | The value to set |
Test if the class extends another class.
public (string $class): bool
This implements the "instanceof" functionality of PHP and searches all the child classes to see if any of them extend the specified class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$class | string | The name of the class to test |
protected extend(): bool
Extend a class with a child class.
The arguments are as follows:
The name of the class to inherit from
... A list of arguments to pass on to the class constructor
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